Thursday, February 21, 2008

Yeah But If Your Friends All Jumped Off A Bridge...?

I don't know. I just can't see this movie being good. I mean after two tries at getting Anakin Skywalker right and failing miserably, how could this kid get any more work? Despite my low expectation though I have already heard they are considering a sequel. At least that's according to an Ann Arbor, MI blog site.

My friend Xen (psst! that's not his real name) described this movie as "Jumper a.k.a. the rematch between Anakin and Mace Windu." I wish I'd thought of that!



ObilonKenobi said...

Commenting to my own post because I am way too lazy to re-edit the original. I just thought of two things about this move. One is that it is being pegged as brought to us by the makers of The Bourne Ultimatum and Mr. And Mrs. Smith?!?! Doesn't that sound like it's going to be some weird comedy? And second, the movie poster is pretty cool. So cool that when I first saw it I thought, that might be a cool movie. Who knows? Anyway, thought I;d share that bit too.


ObilonKenobi said...

Sorry, not the Bourne Ultimatum but the Bourne Identity. It's way too late at night.